Easily map your custom domain to an app service running on Azure, attach an SSL certificate for the same, and also do multiple subdomains; all at no additional costs.

  1. Setup domain on cloudflare
  2. Add site on azure
  3. Verify domain under Settings >Custom Domains by copying A,TXT,and CNAME records from azure to cloudflare DNS management.
  4. Time to do SSL Bindings
  5. Go to cloudflare SSL/TLS > Origin Server, click on Create certificate
  6. On your root project folder, create a subfolder called .ssl
  7. Copy the generated pem key & certificate and add them as files in your .ssl folder using the names private.pem and cert.cer respectively.
  8. Since Azure needs a PKCS#7 type of certificate to import for SSL binding, we will need to use what we have to generate that.
  9. Inside the .ssl folder, open a terminal, make you have openssl installed and configured it as an environment variable.
  10. Run the following command. Read more about How to convert a certificate into the appropriate format
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey private.pem -out cert.pfx

    You will be prompted for a password, enter it & confirm. Finally, a .pfx file is generated.

  11. Go back to Azure, and click Add Binding
  12. Select the pfx file and enter the password you used.
  13. On the next page, pick the correct certificate thumbprint that matches your current azure web app.
  14. Finish, and that’s it.